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Our Company provides website designing, Mobile app designing, website development, data scraping and data mining, Seo of website, database designing, mobile app development, game development and many more.  All these services are entirely the responsibility of our organization. We try to fulfill the requirements of the client.Our Company A2IT at Chandigarh Mohali not only provides industrial training but also provide web designing, web development, game development, database designing, software testing, and many more services.   

Data mining is a process of identifying or discovering patterns from large data sets. Data mining consists of 3 areas: content mining, usage mining, structure mining. Web scraping is a sort of content mining, which means that you collect useful from websites, including news, comments, company info, etc.
Usage mining is a process of identifying or discovering patterns from large data sets. And these patterns enable you to predict user behaviors.
1.we will scrape websites and refine data. (Customer must provide the source - website - pdf ).
2.we I will output the data in any format you need: csv, xlsx, json, xml
3. We can convert the data :
               xlsx  \  json \  xml
4.we can extract data from a pdf if the pdf is pretty organized.
5.we can download images/doc/pdf or other files, from a certain and legal source.
6. We can easily automate your tasks using python selenium
7. We can scrape data even from dynamically loaded websites
8. If the data can be seen, we will scrape it for you
9. We have expertise in python scrappy, python selenium web driver
10. We can easily scrape data from multiple websites and transform it into any format you want.
11. My scrapers will make sure that the data is up to date and not old.

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