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Python Training/internship in  Mohali Chandigarh

Python is high level, interpreted, and object-oriented programming language. Python is a Scripting language. Python supports the concept of object-oriented paradigm but it is not fully dependent on OOPS. That’s why it is known as a partially object-oriented language. Python is dynamically typed this means that we don't need to manually declare data types while declaring variables, the data types are allocated at runtime. 

 Syllabus of Python Course

Term 1: Week 1(Language Basic)

Day 1:

Introduction, scope, software details

1. Installation of software

Day 2:

Languages basics


Print function, variables and identifiers, indentation in python and comments in python: single line and multiline comment

2.Implementation of operators with programs.

Day 4:

Operator: Arithmetic operator, Logical operator, Relational operators, Comparison Operator, Bitwise Operator.

Day 5:

Basic data types: int, float, double, string, and boolean

3. Implementation of data types.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 2(Data types)

Day 1:

Advance datatypes: 1. Mutable-List, Dictionary, and sets

2. immutable- Tuple, String

1. Practical of datatypes with programs.

Day 2:

Functions and methods of List and tuple

Implementation of list and tuple methods with python.

List comprehension and dict comprehension.


Function and methods of dictionary, set with practical implementation.


2.Implementation of list and tuple methods

Day 4:

Python String,string methods and functions

Day 5:

Python special operators: Identity operators and Membership operators.

3.Implementation of string methods.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 1: Week 3(Conditional Statements)

Day 1:

Conditional statements: decision control statements-if, else, elif, nested if, single line if-else and switch case statements.

1.Practical of decision control statements.

Day 2:

Looping statements: -For loop and while loop with programs.


Jump control statements: Continue, break and pass.

2. Implementation of looping statements with programs.

Day 4:

Implementation of control statements with Python datatypes.

Day 5:

Python math module and random module functions.

3.practical of modules.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 1: Week 4(Functions and global variable)

Day 1:

Python function declaration and function calling

1.Practical of creating function and calling function.

Day 2:

Lambda function with programs.

Difference between normal and lambda function.


Parameter passing techniques in functions.

2.Programs of python with lambda and def keyword.

Day 4:

Function programs with *args and **kwargs.

Day 5:

Global functions and global variable declaration and scope in python.

Datetime module in python.

3.practical of modules and global variables.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 1: Week 1(opps concept)

Day 1:

Basics of oops concept

1.Practical of classes and objects.

Day 2:

Creating classes and objects in python with programs.


Creating methods and access the methods and creating object of class and call instance variables and methods through object.

2.Practical of class and methods and inheritance.

Day 4:

Inheritance concept: types of inheritance in detail

Day 5:

Polymorphism concept and types of polymorphism with overloading and overriding.

3.Implementation of polymorphism.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 2(OOPS Concept)

Day 1:

Encapsulation concept: access specifiers scope in python.

1.Practical of classes and objects.

Day 2:

Constructor in python with its types.


Super () keyword uses with inheritance and practical programs of oops concept and constructor.

2.Practical of constructor.

Day 4:

Duck typing in python oops concept and practical programs.

Day 5:

Project based on oops concept.

3.project of oops concept.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 3(Exception handling& File handling)

Day 1:

Exception handling concept in python.

1.Project work.

Day 2:

Exception handling keywords. And programs.


How to raise an exception and handle errors in python..

2.Practical of exception handling.

Day 4:

File handling: and different types of modes in which files can open: - read, write, append and so many

Day 5:

How to handle multiple files in python within single file with various techniques.

3.Implementation of file handling.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 4 (packages and modules)

Day 1:

Packages in python. And how to import packages.

1.Practical of packages.

Day 2:

Modules in python how to handle it and import statements.


Handle multiple modules with in packages.

2.Programs of modules.

Day 4:

Project work on advance python concept: how to handle files with oops concept.

Day 5:

Project work

3.Implementation of project.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 1(Advance concept)

Day 1:

Regular expression concept

1.Practical of regular expression.

Day 2:

Regular expression techniques and methods with programs.

Day 3:

How to deal with regular expressions in projects of python.

2.Programs of regular expression with re module.

Day 4:

Tkinter GUI interface introduction and installation.

Day 5:

Tkinter entry box, labels, buttons, message-box and how to get date from entry boxes.

3.Implementation of project.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 2(Tkinter)

Day 1:

Binding functions in TKinter and working with datetime and clock in Tkinter.

1.Practical of GUI.

Day 2:

Working with images in Tkinter.

Day 3:

Geometry management and how to set widgets.

2.Project of Tkinter.

Day 4:

How to switch between different frames and handle multiple files using Tkinter interface.

Day 5:

Project work on Tkinter.

Creating canvas and different types of shapes and canvas classes.

3.Implementation of project.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

Term 2: Week 3(Tkinter & Database)

Day 1:

Spin box and scrollbar in Tkinter.

List box widgets, frame widgets, hierarchical treeview widgets and scrolled text in Tkinter with textarea.

1.Practical of packages.

Day 2:

Overview of database,Creating and Populating and Retrieving Data

Day 3:

Updating and Deleting, Using NULL for Missing Data, Using Joins to Combine Tables and Keys and Constraints

2.Project work with Tkinter and GUI designing.

Day 4:

Advanced Features, Some Data Based on What You Learned and Exercises

Day 5:

Project work

3.Implementation of database query.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest


Python course duration

2 months

Python class Mode


Python Course Fee


Python  projects

Work on Live Projects of Python

Free with Python Course

Project Report, Certificate, Synopsis and PPT.

Also provide International Python Certificate

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