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Course Details

Machine learning, Data Science, AI, AWS, Training in Mohali Chandigarh

What you'll learn:

AI ML Internship in Mohai

6-Month Course on Python with AI and Machine Learning

This course is designed to introduce to Python programming, fundamental concepts in AI and machine learning, and how to apply these skills in real-world projects. Each month focuses on essential topics, hands-on coding, and practical applications, culminating in real-time projects to solidify the learning.

Month 1: Python Programming Basics

  • Introduction to Python:
    • Python Installation (Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook)
    • Python Basics: Data types, Variables, Operators
    • Control Structures: Loops, Conditionals, Functions
  • Working with Data:
    • Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples
    • File Handling
    • Introduction to Libraries: NumPy and Pandas
  • Project: Build a simple Python-based Calculator and a program for file handling (Reading/Writing CSV files).

Month 2: Data Handling & Visualization

  • Advanced Python:
    • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python
    • Modules and Packages
  • Introduction to Data Science:
    • Data Preprocessing: Handling Missing Data, Data Cleaning
    • Introduction to DataFrames using Pandas
    • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Data Visualization:
    • Matplotlib and Seaborn for plotting data
    • Visualizing Data Trends (line charts, bar graphs, histograms, etc.)
  • Project: Create a data analysis dashboard using Python (display key statistics and visualizations for a given dataset).

Month 3: Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Machine Learning Concepts:
    • What is AI, ML, and Deep Learning? (Overview)
    • Types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement
  • Supervised Learning:
    • Regression: Linear and Polynomial Regression
    • Classification: Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  • Model Evaluation:
    • Splitting data: Training, Testing, Cross-Validation
    • Metrics: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score
  • Project: Predicting House Prices using Linear Regression (with real estate dataset).

Month 4: Advanced Machine Learning

  • Unsupervised Learning:
    • Clustering: K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering
    • Dimensionality Reduction: PCA
  • Working with Real-World Datasets:
    • Handling large datasets (Using Pandas & Scikit-learn)
    • Feature Engineering & Feature Scaling
    • Hyperparameter Tuning (GridSearchCV)
  • Real-Time Projects:
    • Clustering Customers for targeted marketing campaigns
    • Reducing dimensions of an image dataset for faster processing

Month 5: Introduction to Deep Learning

  • Understanding Neural Networks:
    • Basics of Neural Networks (Perceptron, Activation Functions)
    • Introduction to Deep Learning: ANN (Artificial Neural Networks)
  • Building Neural Networks using TensorFlow & Keras:
    • Building, Training, and Testing simple Neural Networks
    • Overfitting & Regularization techniques
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs):
    • Introduction to CNN and its applications in image classification
    • Building a simple CNN using Keras
  • Project: Build an image classification model (recognizing digits using MNIST dataset).

Month 6: AI Project Development & Deployment

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP):
    • Text Processing with Python: Tokenization, Stopwords, Stemming
    • Text Classification (Naive Bayes, TF-IDF)
    • Introduction to Chatbots using Python
  • Real-time AI Projects:
    • Sentiment Analysis using Twitter data
    • Image Classification using a custom dataset
  • Model Deployment:
    • Deploying models with Flask and FastAPI
    • Introduction to Cloud Deployment (Google Cloud/AWS)
    • Version Control with Git & GitHub
  • Final Capstone Project:
    • Choose between:
      • Developing a chatbot for customer support
      • Predicting sales for a retail company using machine learning
      • Building a real-time image classification mobile app (using TensorFlow Lite)

Key Course Features:

  • Prerequisites: None (ideal for beginners)
  • Course Type: Hands-on coding and project-based learning
  • Tools and Technologies:
    • Python, Jupyter, Pandas, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-learn
    • Flask/FastAPI for deployment, Git for version control
  • Support: Weekly live coding sessions and project reviews






Machine learning Training in Mohali



MACHINE LEARNING is used to development of a computer system that can grasp data and algorithms without being explicitly programmed.

MACHINE LEARNING is a set of instructions and programs that allow the system to learn automatically from previously collected records then analyze and improve the data for final output and use the same to make predictions. A2IT provides you the best MACHINE LEARNING industrial training in Mohali.

Two types of MACHINE LEARNING algorithms: Unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms.


As we know the technology is being updated day by day with advanced features and software. With the help of MACHINE LEARNING SDKs and APIs, developers are able to include intelligent features into the applications and software for predicting outcomes with perfection and minimizing human errors. MACHINE LEARNING is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables the systems to adapt intelligence behavior like human beings. AI robots are programmed using MACHINE LEARNING algorithms. Nowadays we are 90 % dependent on MACHINE LEARNING and AI.

AI is used to detect any OCR (Optical Characters Readable) text, speech recognition, and many more. so the future with MACHINE LEARNING will touch new heights for coming generations.   


Anyone who has basic Python knowledge can easily grasp the MACHINE LEARNING because basic knowledge of python is a must for implementing the same. 

 Syllabus of MACHINE LEARNING             

       Introduction to MACHINE LEARNING

•        Application of MACHINE LEARNING

•        Techniques of MACHINE LEARNING

•        Basics of python

•        Data processing

•       Mathematics basics

•       Regression

•       Classification

•       Unsupervised learning with Clustering

•       Introduction to deep learning

•       Neural networks 

Job Opportunities in MACHINE LEARNING:

After the completion, of the course, anyone who can implement MACHINE LEARNING algorithms can apply as a MACHINE LEARNING Engineer, Image processing, and software developer using the same algorithm.

Let's earn the Machine learning certification

Machine Learning Certification in Mohali Chandigarh

What are you waiting for? Invest in your career as soon as you get certificates.

All these international certifications require passing certain exams, which also include undertaking some kind of good training. However, A2IT Provides the Best Machine learning training in Mohali Chandigarh that has made this process extremely simple for you.


One week classes free - Check the Education Quality first

International Certification – Certificate from the USA


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