<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "Course", "name": "Data Science with Python training Mohali Chandigarh", "description": "A2it Provides you the best training/internship in Data Science with Python in Mohali. We are Providing a Summer internship in Data Science with Python in Mohali / Six Months of internships in Data Science with Python in Mohali Chandigarh classes continue both the way offline classes as well as online classes.", "provider": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "A2IT Pvt. Ltd.", "sameAs": "https://a2itsoft.com/course/data-science-training/data_science_with_python" } } </script> Chat with us on WhatsApp
Course Details

Machine learning, Data Science, AI, AWS, Training in Mohali Chandigarh

What you'll learn:

Data Science with Python Training in Mohali Chandigarh

Data Science with Python Course

This Data Science with Python course will establish your mastery of data science and analytics techniques using Python. With this Python for Data Science Course, you’ll learn the essential concepts of Python programming and gain deep knowledge in data analytics, machine learning, data visualization, web scraping, and natural language processing. Python is a required skill for many data science positions, so jump-start your career with this interactive, hands-on course. Our Company at Chandigarh Mohali provides the best industrial training as we prefer more practical work than theoretical work.

Data Science with Python syllabus

First Month Syllabus:

WEEK 1:(Introduction to Data Science)

Day 1:

Introduction to Data Science

Different Sectors Using Data Science


1.Implementation of installation of libraries.

Day 2:

Purpose and Components of Python

Data Science Overview, Data Analytics Overview


Day 3:

Data Analytics Process, Knowledge Check


2.implementation of data analysis process.

Day 4:

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), EDA-Quantitative Technique


Day 5:

EDA - Graphical Technique, Data Analytics Conclusion or Predictions


3. implement EDA.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 2:(Pandas Library)

Day 1:

Data Analytics Communication, Data Types for Plotting, Data Types and Plotting


1.Implementation of installation of Pandas.

Day 2:

Data Analysis process using panda library of python.


Day 3:

Functions and methods used in pandas for the data analysis process.


2.implementation of panda’s methods.

Day 4:

Understanding the concept of DataFrame and series of pandas.

Day 5:

Pandas implementation with csv files.


3. work on dataframe and series.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 3:(NumPy Library)

Day 1:

Data Analytics through Numpy.

1.Implementation of installation of NumPy.

Day 2:

Data Analysis process using NumPy library of python.


Day 3:

Functions and methods used in NumPy for the data analysis process.


2.implementation of Numpy function for data analysis process.

Day 4:

Understanding the concept of Numpy in comparison with Pandas.

Day 5:

NumPy implementation with csv files.


3. work on NumPy Methods.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 4:(Matplotlib Library)

Day 1:

Data Visualization through Matplotlib and installation process.

1.Implementation of installation of matplotlib.

Day 2:

Data Visualization process using Matplotlib library of python.


Day 3:

Functions and methods used in Matplotlib for the data Visualization process.


2.implementation of matplotlib function for data analysis process.

Day 4:

Understanding the concept of Matplotlib with oops.

Day 5:

Matplotlib implementation with csv files.


3. work on Matplotlib Methods.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

    Second Month Syllabus:

WEEK 1:( Machine Learning )

Day 1:

Introduction about Machine Learning.

1.Practical of linear regression.

Day 2:

Supervised learning algorithm and unsupervised algorithm-linear regression, Logistic Regression


Day 3:

Polynomial regression, decision tree

2.Practical of Logistic regression.

Day 4:

Random forest, Ridge regression.

Day 5:

Lasso Regression and back propagation.

3. practical of random forest and ridge regression.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 2:(Classification algorithm)

Day 1:

Logistic classification.

1.practical of logistic  and decision tree algorithm.

Day 2:

Decision tree classification.


Day 3:

Random forest classification.


2.implementation of random forest.

Day 4:

K-nearest neighbour classification.

Day 5:

Naïve bays classification and Support vector machine classification.


3. work on project using classification algorithms.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 3:(Clustering algorithm)

Day 1:

Affinity propagation clustering.

1.practical of affinity and BIRCH clustering.

Day 2:

Agglomerative clustering.


Day 3:

BIRCH clustering and DBSCAN clustering.


2.implementation of k-means and means shift.

Day 4:

K-means clustering and means shift clustering.

Day 5:

 Mini-batch Clustering, optics clustering and spectra clustering.


3. work on project using clustering algorithms.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 4:(Web Scrapping)

Day 1:

Introduction about web scrapping and its libraries.

1.practical of web scrapping and installation.

Day 2:

Web scrapping through BS4 library of python for web scrapping.


Day 3:

Web scrapping through BeautifulSoup library of python for web scrapping.


2.implementation of project through BS4 , selenium and BeautifulSoup.

Day 4:

Web scrapping through Selenium library of python for web scrapping.


Day 5:

Project work on web scrapping.


3. work on project using web scrapping libraries.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest


                                        DATA SCIENCE COURSE


Data Science course duration

2 months

Data Science Course Mode


Data Science Course Fee


Data Science projects

Work on Live Projects of Data science.

Free with Data Science Course

Project Report, Certificate, Synopsis and PPT.

Also provide International Data Science Certificate

Data Science Certification in Mohali Chandigarh

What are you waiting for? Invest in your career as soon as you get certificates.

All these international certifications require passing certain exams, which also include undertaking some kind of good training. However, A2IT Provides the Best Data Science training in Mohali Chandigarh that has made this process extremely simple for you.


One week classes free - Check the Education Quality first

International Certification – Certificate from the USA


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