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BBA MBA B.COM M.COM TRAINING COURSES BBA Training MBA Training in Mohali Entrepreneurship and Small Business

What you'll learn:

ESB - Entrepreneurship and Small Business

The job of wisely allocating limited budgets and resources is an important and often challenging task. Putting limited resources to the best use is critical, and one question that should be asked is ‘What will be the ROI on this spend?” When it comes to certification programs, the answer is a very strong ROI, and research supports it.

ESB Certification :

The reasons and benefits for certification programs, and the resulting certified students is clear and compelling. Certifications are valuable for all students, even those who pursue a business-oriented track. The Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) certification from Certiport is designed to teach students at the K-14 level — specifically high school and BBA MBA B.COM and Graduate Students — the basic skills they need to start and run a business.

 ESB is endorsed by the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, NFTE - USA. And, it is also endorsed by the American Council on Education - USA, which qualifies ESB-certified students to three college credit hours.

A recent performance report1 on the impact of certification when included with education shows:


Average GPA

Graduation Rate

With certification



Without certification




A study by Grunwald Associates2 suggests that when certification is added to curriculum, the following are observed:


  • Improved academic performance
  • Increased attendance
  • Lower dropout rates
  • Higher grade point averages



Students must identify their strengths, weaknesses and risk tolerance.


Students identify the benefits and drawbacks of starting a new business, purchasing an existing business or buying a franchise. They also analyze the demand for goods, services and opportunities in a specific environment, and identify potential customers for a business.



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