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Course Details

web designing Web Development Python, PHP, React, Angular JS, Node js, Laravel training in Mohali Chandigarh

What you'll learn:

Web development using python Django:

Web development in python is best option for the development process. Django framework is considered as best framework for designing the various websites and web applications.  Web development process is that the full-fledged process of coming up with, requirement gathering and so implementing the ideas for development.

Web development using python is achieved by using many frameworks such as django, pyramid and flask etc.

Web development course consist of the web designing and development. In web designing the frontend for the website is designed by HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. and frontend languages are used for designing the frontend part of any website or web-application.

This web development using python and Django course is for candidate who wants to be told Django from scratch and run through a completely functional Project. This course is apt for those students who are acting on Python and will move the expertise within the web. Through the ORM framework candidate can do relatively complex functionality quite rapidly. This Python Web App Development with Django Training Course will give existing Python developers great hands-on experience building robust, commercial web applications with the Django framework.

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Course Outline:

First month Syllabus:

 WEEK 1: (Introduction to django)

Day 1:

Django and Python o Django’ s take on MVC: Model, View and Template

1.installation of software platform and django framework.

Day 2:

DRY programming: Don’t Repeat Yourself

Day 3:

How to get and install Django

2.create project and app

Day 4:

How to create project

Day 5:

How to create apps

3. setting files and handling files.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

 WEEK 2 : (Setting views and url)

Day 1:

Setting views and url files in django.

1.implementation of project

Day 2:

Make settings in file and handles the views and URL’s together.

Day 3:

Handle the template files, css files and images in different directory.

2.handle URLs and template.

Day 4:

Types of urls and their implementation in django framework.

Day 5:

How to manage the file and make models. and register in file in django.

3. setting of project files and management.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 3 :(database connection and cookies/session)

Day 1:

How to handle file, Setting up database connections

1.implementation of database connection.

Day 2:

Managing Users & the Django admin tool

Day 3:

Installing and using ‘out of the box’ Django features

2.practical of django features.

Day 4:

Customizing django admin

Day 5:

How to works with cookies and how to handle and create session


3. work on managing cookies and sessions.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 4: (Migrations and inbuilt table)

Day 1:

How to create static file and managing images, css files and images.


1.implementation of user table and inbuilt table.

Day 2:

Static file management and how to Handle media file.

Day 3:

How to perform migration and their implementation.

2.practical of modals and register in admin file.

Day 4:

How to make models, how to set datatypes according to data table fields and how to register model in admin.

Day 5:

Inbuilt tables of django and their working and how to get query set in django.

3. work on query set.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest


WEEK 1 : (Django Forms)

Day 1:

Designing a good URL scheme, Generic Views


1.implementation of views and validation.

Day 2:

Form classes, validations in django forms, Authentications in django.

Day 3:

User authentication, Email authentication, forgot password and reset password


2.practical of reset password and forget password.

Day 4:

Advanced Forms processing techniques

Day 5:

Django authentication with database and validations.

3. work on authentications.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 2:(Django Rest API & Unit testing)

Day 1:

Django REST framework, how to create Django rest API, django-piston


1.implementation of API.

Day 2:

Django project on rest API

Day 3:

Overview / Refresher on Unit Testing and why it’s good, Using Python’s unittest2 library, Test


2.practical of unit testing.

Day 4:

Make test cases on unit testing and perform debugging.

Day 5:

Django testing and debugging libraries and Debugging Best Practices.

3. work on testing and debugging.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

 WEEK 3 :(Front End Design)

Day 1:

HTML Concept with all tags.

1.implementation of Html tags.

Day 2:

Project work on html and html with XHTML.

Day 3:

CSS Concept with all properties.

2.practical of css.

Day 4:

Project work on css properties

Day 5:

All implementations of advance css like animations and 3d effects.


3. work on advance css.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest

WEEK 4 :(Front End Design)

Day 1:

Basics of JavaScript and all the functions and methods in JavaScript.


1.implementation of JavaScript functions.

Day 2:

Project work on JavaScript.

Day 3:

Implementing JavaScript with html and css properties.

2.Practical of JavaScript with html and css.

Day 4:

Basics of Bootstrap and grids used in bootstrap.

Day 5:

All implementations of front-end on project.


3. work on project.

Day 6: Practical Day / Personality Development/Repeated Class/Issues/Guest




Django course duration

2 months

Django class Mode


Django Course Fee


Django projects

Work on Live Projects of Django

Free with Django Course

Project Report, Certificate, Synopsis and PPT.

Also provide International Django Certificate


Django framework for web development:

Django is the most famous framework used for the web development in python. Django framework is designed in python and it does not require any third-party software installation for the project development process.

Django is used to design the large-scale is based on MVT architecture which means all the files are handles in models, views and templates.


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