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Industrial Training Project List

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Civil Training Project's with project Synopsis, Reports, and various diagrams.


A study on air quality analysis of Shimla


Air quality analysis of Baddi


Analysis and design of transfer point -coal handling plant


Analysis and design of  onshore structure


Analysis and design of  tower


Analysis and design of bridge using vb macros


Analysis and design of overhead water tank


Soil stabilization using soil nails


Solid waste management plan Mohali, Punjab


Study on corrosion of reinforcement in concrete and effect of inhibitor on service life of reinforced cement concrete


A  study of groundwater pollution potential of municipal solid waste dumps


A study  of magnesium oxy chloride cement as a alternate building material


A study of parameters affecting corrosion in reinforced concrete with use of additive


Analysis and design of two-storey RCC frame and design of its foundation


Analysis of blast load on structure using sap


Analysis of circular column


Architectural and structural design of a rural bus stand


Design and analysis of a multi-storey (g+3) residential building


Design and analysis of various improvements in cantilever retaining wall using geo


A study  of Jute and Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete


A study and  Analysis of Compressive and Split Tensile Strength of Concrete Reinforced with Steel Fiber, Polypropylene Fiber and Recron Fiber


a study and  Analysis of Response of Buildings with Setbacks to Seismic Loading


a study and Design of a Villa


a study of Bamboo as a Green Alternative to Steel for Reinforced Concrete Elements of a Low-Cost Residential Building


A study of comparison between square and circular water tanks


A study of Sewage and Design of Sewage Treatment Plant


Analysis and Design of Hostel Building


Analysis and design of library building


Analysis and design of rcc elements using Macros


Design and analysis of multi-storey structure (g+9)


Design of a multi-storey building with isolated footing


Design of Sewerage System


Material cost and design comparison of RCC and Pre stressed concrete multistory building


Paved Parking Area to Harness Reusable Rainwater


Study of Box Culvert With and Without Haunches


Study of Flow Field around the Circular Pier placed in Rigid Bed

37.  A experimental Study of Maintenance Strategy Provisions Based On Functional Evaluation of Pavements

38. A experimental Study of Properties of Fresh and Hardened Previous Concrete and its Durability

39. A EXPERIMENTAL Study of Pullout Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Piles

40. A EXPERIMENTAL Study of Reinforced and Unreinforced Stone Column Behaviour for Ground Improvement

41. A experimental Study of Soil Stabilization by Chemical Admixtures and Sand

42. A study and Design of Water Supply System for Green City

43. A study and Effect of Curing time and Curing Stress on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement Soil

44. A study of Structural Evaluation of Rural Hilly Roads

45. Analysis and design of a Multi storey Building in an Earthquake Prone Area using STAAD.Pro

46. Analysis and Design of Rigid Pavement

47. Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Symmetrical Frames with Different Arrangements of Infill Walls

48. Analysis of Seismic Resistant Design of Multistory Building

49. Design and Structural Analysis of a Multistory Building and Studying the Effect of Masonry Infill

50. Design of steel fibers in fiber reinforced concrete

51. Effect and Study of Hooked Steel Fibers on Properties of Concrete-converted

52. Effect and study of Stone Dust Admixture on Strength of Soil

53. Effect and study of Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Crushed Bricks on Concrete Properties-converted

54. Experimental Study of the Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Pozzolana Portland Cement by Ultra Fine Slag

55. Experimental Study of the Properties of Concrete using Pine Needles – a natural supplement

56. Experimental Study on Crumb Rubber Modified Porous Bitumen Pavement

57. Experimental Study on Recron Fibers

58. Experimental study on Testing and Numerical Modeling of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Reinforced with Geo textile

59. Experimental Study on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Replacement of Cement by Sugarcane Baggase Ash

60. Experimental study of Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using Tanned Leather Waste Ash

61. Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Copper Slag

62. Study and Effect of Adding Shear Wall & Bracings for Prevention of Seismic Pounding

63. Study and effect of Curing time and Curing Stress on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement Soil

64. Study and effect of Domestic Waste Water on Physical Properties of Concrete Mix

65. Study and effect of Fly Ash and Polypropylene Fiber on Properties of Concrete-converted

66. Study and Effect of Geo textiles on Engineering Properties of Soil

67. Study and effect of Mechanical Properties of Concrete by Using Crumb Rubber as a Partial Replacement of Aggregates

68. Study and effect of Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Crushed Bricks on Concrete Properties

69. Study and effect of unprocessed and processed recycled aggregate on the compressive strength of high strength concrete

70. Study and effects of the Performance of Concrete with Acrylic & Carbon Nano Fibers

71. Study and Enhancing the Strength of Concrete Using Ultra-Fine Slag

72. Study and Seismic Analysis of Irregular RCC Rame and Review of Indian Seismic Code

73. Study of Buildings Cost Benefit Analysis

74. Study of domestic waste water on physical properties of concrete mix

75. Study of Eco-Friendly Buildings

76. Study of fire on the properties of plain and reinforced concrete

77. Study of high volume fly ash concrete

78. Study OF Lightweight Concrete Using Construction Demolition Waste and Industrial Waste

79. Study of Mechanical and Durability Analysis of Geo polymer Concrete

80. Study of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Oyster Shell and Partial Replacement of Cement by Rice Husk Ash

81. Study of Seismic Analysis and Design of A G+9 Residential Building With Ductile Detailing Using Macros

82. Study of Soil Stabilization using Plastic Bags and Jute Bags and Controlling Heave Behaviour of Black Cotton Soil

83. Study of Soil Stabilization Using Plastic Waste (Pet Bottles)

84. Study of Soil Structure Interaction of Framed Structure Supported on Soils of Different Stiffness

85. Study of Soil Testing and Soil Stabilization

86. Study of Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Industrial Effluents

87. Study of Stability Analysis and Foundation Design using Geo5 Software

88. Study of Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using Ultra Fine Slag

89. Study on Sub grade Soil Stabilization Using Lime and Waste Paper Sludge

90. Study on Suitability of Concrete Reinforced with Synthetic Fiber

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