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Course Details

Microsoft - CISCO - JAVA - Google - Adobe - EC Council - CompTIA - AutoDesk - HPE Certification in Mohali

What you'll learn:


Hewlett Packard Enterprise is a business-focused organization which works in servers, storage, networking, consulting and support, and Financial Services. Certification by such an organization will be very beneficial for the career achievement of any individual. Our Company provides the best HPE training among all the training institutes at Chandigarh Mohali.

Core Java:

This course will provide the fundamental basics of the Java programming language. It will help the individuals to ameliorate their logic building ability and to work on real-world projects. Students or professionals would be able to make web desktop applications.

Linux administration with scripting

This course will provide the basic insight of Linux programming with scripting. It is for absolute beginners. Prior knowledge of windows would be very helpful. It will cover all the commands of the Red Hat Linux. In addition, the administrator will learn system installation, package management, and user management procedures.

PHP with Wordpress

PHP is a server scripting language and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.PHP is a widely-used, free, and very efficient. This course will help in making web pages attractive. Prior knowledge of HTML is a must for Completing this course.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of study that helps to build software systems that behave ‘intelligently’. In other words, it is all about making machines that can perceive, reason and perform intelligent tasks like an intelligent human being. AI is achieved by first studying about how the human brain thinks, learns, understand, decide and perform on a problem he is trying to solve. The outcomes of such a study are then used as a basis for developing intelligent software and system. We at A2IT provides the best training at Chandigarh Mohali and try to resolve problems as soon as possible.

Big-Data programming and development

This course is an ideal course for individuals who want to under the basic concept of big data and Hadoop. This course will prepare the individuals for Big data programming and Development space. Prior knowledge of OOPS, scripting language, Linux, core java and SQL would be very beneficial.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is the internetworking of Connected Devices, Smart Devices, Sensors, Motors, Software system and other things embedded with electronics and linking them each other on a cloud so as to get updates remotely from almost anywhere anytime. Some of the IoT based systems include the Smart Home Automation System, Smart Waste Management System, Smart Lighting, Smart Transportation System, Remote Health Monitoring, and likewise many others. The area of IoT is growing rapidly and bringing in new job roles and related career opportunities to those who are proficient in IoT technology, management, deployment, and security etc. and therefore it is becoming increasingly important to understand what it is, how it works, and how to harness its ability to improve business. Course Objective The course will help the learner understand the fundamentals of IoT, its design, development and security-related challenges. 


Python is a programming language. Python can be used on a server to create web applications. It's a great language because of its readability and it is easy to understand. It is available on the worlds largest applications and websites.

Big data Analytics(Programming with R)

This course is an ideal course for individuals who want to under the basic concept of big data and Hadoop and also make you familiar with data analytics. This course will prepare the individuals for Big data programming and Analytic space. Prior knowledge of OOPS, scripting language, Linux, core java and SQL would be very beneficial. 

Big data Analytics(Programming with R)

This course is an ideal course for individuals who want to under the basic concept of big data and Hadoop and also make you familiar with data analytics. This course will prepare the individuals for Big data programming and Analytic space. Prior knowledge of OOPS, scripting language, Linux, core java and SQL would be very beneficial.

Big data and data science

Data science is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. Data science is the same concept as data mining and big data: "use the most powerful hardware, the most powerful programming systems, and the most efficient algorithms to solve problems".We provide the best career option to the students who completed their study at the A2IT Chandigarh Mohali itself.

Let's earn the HPE certification

HPE Certification in Mohali Chandigarh

What are you waiting for? Invest in your career as soon as you get certificates.

All these international certifications require passing certain exams, which also include undertaking some kind of good training. However, A2IT Provided Best HPE Training in Mohali Chandigarh that has made this process extremely simple for you.


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International Certification – Certificate from the USA


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